Legal notice
stratEDI Gesellschaft für Kommunikationskonzepte und -lösungen mbH
Lusebrink 9
58285 Gevelsberg
Phone: +49 2332 66600-0
Fax: +49 2332 66600-29
Disclaimer and copyright
stratEDI GmbH continuously reviews the information on its websites. Nevertheless, it is possible that data may have changed. Therefore we can accept no liability or make any guarantee for the currency, correctness or completeness of the information. The same applies to all other websites that our websites link to. stratEDI GmbH is not responsible for the content of those websites.
The content and structure of stratEDI webites are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information, especially of text, text sections or images, requires the prior consent of stratEDI GmbH.
VAT ID: DE162269805
Hagen district court, HRB 6197
CEOs: Thorsten Georg, Marvin Karl
Data protection officer:
Olaf Tenti
GDI Gesellschaft für Datenschutz und Informationssicherheit mbH
Körnerstraße 45
58095 Hagen, Germany
Website copy & concept: Alexandra Lachner (
Programming & implementation: Melanie Simeth (